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Club Rating Adjustment

You can adjust a user’s rating in your club according to the matches and competitions user plays and wins or loses.

The Club Rating Adjustment page can be accessed from the Members > Club Rating Adjustment.

Member Club Rating


Only ranked matches will make the player's club rating adjustment eligible. It can be against ranked players of the same club or other clubs.

Add New Player’s Club Rating

If the player is new to the club or hasn’t played a club or ranked match yet, their points will be 0, in all the formats of the game – Singles, Doubles, Skinny Singles, Mixed.

Player’s club ratings should be adjusted according to the game format they decide to play and score.

To add player’s club rating, navigate through Members > Actions > Club Rating Adjustment:

  1. Select the rating you want to add for the player – Singles, Doubles, Skinny Singles, Mixed, and click on the radio-button (slider button) on its left to activate it. (By default, the ratings will be locked. Also, if the player is new, their rating will be 0.)

  2. Once active, enter the rating points for the player in the Edit Rating column.

    Member Rating Editing

  3. Click on the Save button to save the new rating for the player. On successful rating addition, you’ll get a success message on the screen. User’s club rating will now reflect in the Current column against the match format they played.

    Member Rating Saved


When adding rating, you can only enter a number from 1 to 8 - up to 3 decimal places.

Edit Player’s Club Rating

If the player already part of your club and has match ratings on ranked matches, their points will be reflected in the Club Rating Adjustment page against the games they played and scored.

If the player has won ranked/official club matches, their club ratings should be adjusted according to the game format they decide to play and score.

To edit player’s club rating, navigate through Organizations > Members > Club Rating Adjustment:

  1. Select the rating you want to edit for the player – Singles, Doubles, Skinny Singles, Mixed, and click on the radio-button (slider button) on its left to activate it. (By default, the ratings will be locked.)

  2. Once active, enter the rating points for the player in the Edit Rating column. The ratings you enter will not be added to the existing rating, it’ll replace them with the new rating.

    Member Rating Editing

  3. Click on the Save button to save the new rating for the player. On successful rating update, you’ll get a success message on the screen. User’s club rating will now reflect in the Current column against the match format they played.

    Members New Rating Saved

  • When adding rating, you can only enter a number from 1 to 8 - up to 3 decimal places.

  • Player’s current(old) ratings will be displayed in the Current column against the match format they played - Singles, Doubles, Mixed, Skinny Singles.